if you pay attention you can become a MD without 1 day in school

肝胆有绿色的胆汁: 绿蔬清肝护肝













When your car has problems, of course, you want to see what is wrong and how to fix it easily, it will be ridiculous that you have to pay big bucks to experts to look through microscope to find the problems.
The same principle applies to you made by God, if he has the ability to make you, of course, he can show your illness on your face/hand/feet/ear/surface obviously, so your illness can be quickly diagnosed and treated. This is how Chinese have been diagnosing diseases using watch/smell/ask/touch for thousands of years.

Genius Chinese mapped plants' color/shape/smell/taste to organs to treat diseases wonderfully & precisely without any side effect & improve overall health!

Chinese didn't dissect humans how do they know what internal organs look like? Ancient people plant and hunt, they kill/clean animals, of course they see animals inside out.

fish's lung: translucent milky, all white vegs help lung. When you have cold, you eat chicken rice soup, pear soup. white garlic kill flu.
gallbladder is green: all green leafy vegs cleanse protect liver.
pancreas/stomach is dirt orange yellowish: sweet patatoes/whole wheats/ginger
kidney: black, black food.
heart: red, carrots/water melon help circulation

walnut = brain: smart
kidney: black bean shape like kidney, color like kidney, cashew 
man's reproductive organ: okra, tomatoes
stomach: egg plant/sweet potatoes
aloe vera has stick stomach fluid
heart: almond

bitter/spicy: kill bacteria/virus, detox
red pepper: circulation
mint: clear sinus,breathing
fresh/sour/sweet/fragrant: stimulate appetite for nutrients

Blood vessels/lymph/digestive systems are plumbings: if clogged, die. You use wire to unclog your clogged plumbing, similarly you eat long fiber vegs to unclog your digestive track & constipation.
Avoid oily food if you don't want to be stuck.

But your pipe is made of live cells, if choked by clogged material, they can die and cause you heart attack & cancer. When excessive nutrients can't be unloaded off blood, cancer & disease cells will feast on them just like city sewer full of food attract lots rats/flies/disease bacteria viruses.

Drink a lot of water. Alcohol & man made chemicals damage your hormonal balance & immunity. It is better if you eat food right off trees to avoid intermediate contamination/transports/storage.

Clean/bright/relaxed air/water/living space is definitely better than dirty wet dark dungeon.

Chinese discovered all the superficial accupressure points and energy lines linked with internal organs by touch & feel, that is why they survived until today without any of the instrumentsµscope inventions from west.

Brain&heart cell lives the longest, the best death is like light off. You smarly happily dance over 80 years then die in 1 minute. But most of us experience partial death from 20 years old, more pain/diseases ramp up, less & less smart, more & more forgetful, we pretty much slowly torture ourselves for 80 years.

I am very impressed by loving Taiwanese wives, when their young husbands got liver cancer, instead of hoping them to die fast to collect life insurance, the wives started to research healthy living, and cooked healthy food for husbands and clean out their cancers. The husbands of course humbly listened to their wives and started to become grass eating cows.

Today is amigo's birthday, God let figs&water melon ripe for him as free birthday gifts. 

My roommate was robbed at gun point, lost his car&everything it & his wallet, too bad US allow people to have guns and make such whole sale robbery possible.

You can learn Chinese medicine without knowing how to read, you can be more effective than a western MD who spends 30 years in school & a fortune on tuition.

All these smart was given by God and on how smartly he has made things.

The mark on people's mind/forehead in Revelation could well be MONEY/$ sign!

Women stay home taking care family members with love. Daycare/nursing homes/hospitals/service industries only know money don't know you or your kids/parents thus you can't expect them to love them/strangers, just as you only know money and don't know and love your customers! 

When you are a farmer, you have to love & take care of lives so you won't starve, similarly, you rely on your families for love & survival, so it is unlikely that you will abuse wife&kids. US has converted everything to business for money and marked everything with $, so we only know and love money. US cold heartily used massive chemicals&hormones&technology to output massive food&meat without any love toward any life, the same cold cruelty is transferred to treat humans: if you can get everything by money, why bother love & care of others.

Mother's milk has mother's love&life&immunity&warmth, but US replaced God given instinct of breast feeding with dead cold formula dirt.

The mark on people's mind/forehead in Revelation could well be MONEY/$ sign! Replace $ in our head with Jesus to avoid death!

US preachers have been begging/luring people to churches with "loving/positive/hopeful" salvation&heaven, hell is too hateful & offensive, would turn people away from churches so can't mention hell.

Would you rather blindly fall into hell or be informed of and avoid it? Warn you of hell is love not hate!

Heaven & Hell come hand in hand, you either believe in both or none. God's existence is a fact not a belief. God said some will go to heaven, and the rest will go to hell, which you can choose to believe, but God never lie, so if you can't satisfy his criteria for heaven then you will be in hell. Simple like that. What is so hateful about it, all is determined by your own thoughts & actions.

Food tracing: check who touched your food, if you don't love them, don't eat it like restaurant&processed food!

Regardless how loving & living & healthy are your food & drink, they are mortal beings, they die inside of you as soon as they enter. 
Jesus is the eternal source of Love&life, if you want endless love&life, eat&drink Jesus!

When I was young I couldn't feel other people's pain. A professor's 2 year old grandson came to visit him, suddenly he died, he was heart broken, not only I felt nothing but also  I smiled to upset him more. Cold heartily, I would kill my competitors, or abuse/rob any non-family members as a tiger eats a deer, which is very similar to nationalism, you can exploit/oppress any other country's people without any concern whatsoever.

Nobody could preach any sense or love into me. Only Jesus softened me & put empathy in me, made me realize that other people's mishap could well fall on me&my loved ones anytime, others could treat me with same cold cruelty selfishness & greed: I'd better love others as myself now. After that I saw more & more truth, and got more & more love from God.


你若是农民,你得善待庄家牲畜不然虐待死它们后你就饿死,同理,你需老婆家人用爱照顾你,当然不可能虐待他们。美把一切变成赚钱的生意,什么都标上价,所以人人只认钱爱钱。 才会冷酷地把牲畜赶进集中营24x7被化学剂催生剂基改刺激着产粮/肉/奶/蛋,生命被当作赚钱的机器用。同样的冷酷用于人:金钱万能,不爱照样活得好好的。



小时候,爱给弱不惊风身无分文的软弱的妈妈哭鼻子诉苦,怎么不去找力大无比腰缠万贯的爸去诉苦? 爱和钱势没有关系。



当我年轻时,我很幸灾乐祸,感受不到别人的痛苦。 教授的孙子千里迢迢来看他,第二天就猝死了,教授跟我诉苦,结果,我按压不住笑容让他更加痛苦。当时冷酷无情的我能把竞争对手杀死,虐待偷抢外人如同强势的虎吃鹿一样,这和现在美国流行的国家主义很相似:对外国人没有同情心。
